Autor: Beta

Kancelarija za Kosovo i Metohiju saopštila je da su danas u selu Ugljare kod Kosova Polja na dečjem igralištu osvanuli natpisi UČK.
  • zztop

    25.05.2023 11:26
    Ne važi , napisano je ćirilicom ...
  • Neo NSovac

    25.05.2023 10:26
    Napraviti paravojnu formaciju
    How valuable is Kosovo’s mineral wealth?
    One of the present myths in the public is that NATO countries have supported the war in Kosovo in order to own the inexhaustible Kosovo mineral resources. This is based on the view that if the state recognizes Kosovo’s independence, the state of Serbia would lose enormous money that would be obtained by exploiting ores.

    How valuable is Kosovo’s mineral wealth?

    We have no idea. A google search, except for obscure nationalist sites that mostly repeat similar figures and not citing sources, does not provide information on Kosovo’s mineral resources. (A good example is a Facebook reporter who, as one of the arguments in favor of the claim that Germans buy vineyards in Metohija, enclose that they are mentioned in Roman records as wines from Dardania as higher quality than wines from Gaul).

    Also, there is no information on the website of the Ministry of Mining and Energy and the Geological Survey of Serbia. But one can find the Mineral Deposits of Serbia Ministry of Mines study on the Internet.

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