Princ Filip i sahrana: Kraljica i nacija se oprostili od vojvode od Edinburga

Pogrebna ceremonija održavana je u zamku Vindzor u skladu željama princa.

Kraljica je predvodila njenu porodicu i naciju u trenucima tuge na sahrani supruga, princa Filipa u zamku Vindzor.

Queen Elizabeth II during the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh in St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, Berkshire.
PA Media

Kraljica je sedela najbliže oltaru, a direktno preko puta nje bili su princ od Velsa i vojvotkinja od Kornvola.

The coffin is carried into St George's Chapel during the funeral of Britain"s Prince Philip, who died at the age of 99, at Windsor Castle, Britain, April 17, 2021.
PA Media
Queen Elizabeth II watches as the coffin of the Duke of Edinburgh is placed St George"s Chapel, Windsor Castle, Berkshire during his funeral service.
PA Media

The Duke of Edinburgh's coffin, covered with His Royal Highness's Personal Standard is carried to the purpose built Land Rover during the funeral of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh at Windsor Castle on April 17, 2021
Getty Images

Kovčeg je od unutrašnje sale u zamku do kapele Svetog Đorđa prenet u lend roveru, vozilu u čijem dizajniranju i modifikovanju je učestvovao i vojvoda od Edinburga.

Devetoro članova kraljevske porodice hodalo je iza kovčega - u prvom redu bili su princeza Ana i princ Čarls, a iza njih prinčevi Edvard i Endru.

Princess Anne, Princess Royal, Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Peter Phillips, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Earl of Snowdon David Armstrong-Jones and Vice-Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence follow Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh's coffin during the Ceremonial Procession during the funeral of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh at Windsor Castle on April 17, 2021
Getty Images

U trećem redu bili su vojvoda od Kembridža i princ Hari, a između je bio njihov rođak Piter Filips.

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Peter Phillips and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex during the funeral of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh at Windsor Castle on April 17, 2021 in Windsor, England.
Getty Images

Viceadmiral Timoti Lorens i grof od Svindona su išli u sledećem redu, a iza njih članovi vojvodinog osoblja.

Queen Elizabeth II arrives for the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh at St George"s Chapel, Windsor Castle, Berkshire.
PA Media

Pre minuta ćutanja za vojvodu, kraljica je stigla u kapelu, a zatim je intonirana himna.

Ušla je u kapelu gde ju je dočekao kenterberijski nadbiskup.

The Duke of Edinburgh's coffin, covered with His Royal Highness's Personal Standard arrives at St George's Chapel during the funeral of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh at Windsor Castle on April 17, 2021 in Windsor, England.
PA Media
Duke of Edinburgh's coffin, covered with His Royal Highness's Personal Standard arrives at St George's Chapel carried by a bearer party found by the Royal Marines during the funeral of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh at Windsor Castle on April 17, 2021 in Windsor, England.
PA Media
Members of the military stands outside St George's Chapel before the funeral service of Britain's Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh in Windsor Castle
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, arrives in the quadrangle ahead of the ceremonial funeral procession of Britain's Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh to St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle in Windsor,
Vojvotkinja od Kembridža
The Duchess of Cornwall arrives at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle
Vojvotkinja od Kornvola
Members of the Household Cavalry are seen ahead of the funeral of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh at Windsor Castle on April 17, 2021 in Windsor, England.
Getty Images
Members of the Household Cavalry are seen ahead of the funeral
Getty Images
he Foot Guards Band are seen marching into position ahead of the funeral of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh at Windsor Castle on April 17, 2021 in Windsor, England
Getty Images
Gardijska pešadijska četa

Members of a military band march into position at Windsor Castle in Windsor, west of London, on April 17, 2021, prior to the funeral service of Britain's Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Getty Images
The King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery enter into Windsor Castle ahead of the funeral of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh on April 17, 2021 in Windsor, England.
Getty Images

Stotine ljudi gledalo je kako Kraljevske trupe, deo Kraljevske artiljerijske konjice, jašu do zamka Vindzor.

Desetina konjanika u crnim, zlatnim i crvenim uniformama, jahalo je do Kembridž kapije.

Members of The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery are pictured on the day of the funeral of Britain's Prince Philip, husband of Queen Elizabeth, who died at the age of 99, in Windsor, near London, Britain April 17, 2021
A person salutes the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery as they make their way down the Long Walk towards Windsor Castle, as the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh takes place in St George's Chapel, at Windsor Castle, Berkshire
PA Media

Pripadnici puka su izvršili su počasnu paljbu na istočnom travnjaku Vindzora dok je kovčeg sa telom princa Filipa prebavican iz zamka u kapelu.

King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery make their way up The Long Walk towards Windsor Castle ahead of the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh in Windsor Castle, Berkshire. April 17, 2021
PA Media

Neki ljudi su ipak došli u Vindzor da odaju počast vojvodi, ali je u celoj oblasti bilo poprilično mirno zbog ograničenja u borbi protiv korona virusa.

The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery arrive at Windsor Castle for the funeral of Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh on April 17, 2021 in Windsor, England.
Getty Images
Mourners gather outside Windsor Castle for the funeral of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh on April 17, 2021 in Windsor, England.
Getty Images
Knitted post box toppers featuring Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh are pictured in Windsor, west of London, on April 17, 2021
Getty Images
Members of the media gather outside Windsor Castle on the day of the funeral of Britain's Prince Philip, husband of Queen Elizabeth, who died at the age of 99, in Windsor, near London, April 17, 2021.

Vojvodina od Edinburga lično je izabrao insignije koje su stavljene na oltar u Kapeli Svetog Đorđa u Vindzoru.

Obeležja - medalje i odlikovanja koje su mu dodelile Velika Britanija i zemlje Komonvelta - postavljene su na devet jastuka.

Princ Filip je izabrao kraljevska obeležja iz Danske i Grčke u znak počasti zemljama iz kojih njegovi preci vode poreklo

The Duke of Edinburgh's Insignia's placed on the altar in St George's Chapel, Windsor, ahead of his funeral.
PA Media
Insignia belonging to Prince Philip, the Royal Victorian Order Collar and Badge, and the Royal Victorian Order Breast Star and Badge (front) and The Order of the Elephant (Denmark), and the Order of the Redeemer (Greece), are placed on the altar in St George's Chapel, Windsor
First light rises over Windsor Castle seen from across the River Thames on the Day of Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh's funeral on April 17, 2021 in Windsor, England.
Getty Images

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