Košarkašice Srbije ubedljivom pobedom nad Severnom Makedonijom obezbedile plasman na EP
Ženska košarkaška reprezentacija Srbije izborila je plasman na Evropsko prvenstvo.
Komentari 14
Players shall not violently, dangerously or with anger hit, kick or throw a tennis ball
within the precincts of the tournament site except in the reasonable pursuit of a point
during a match (including warm-up).
Violation of this Section shall subject a player to fine up to $20,000 for each
violation. In addition, if such violation occurs during a match (including the warmup) the player shall be penalised in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule
hereinafter set forth.
For the purposes of this Rule, abuse of balls is defined as intentionally hitting a ball
out of the enclosure of the court, hitting a ball dangerously or recklessly within the
court or hitting a ball with negligent disregard of the consequences."
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Ukoliko je vaše mišljenje napisano bez gramatičkih i pravopisnih grešaka imaće veće šanse da bude objavljeno. Komentare pisane velikim slovima u većini slučajeva ne objavljujemo.
Pisanje komentara je ograničeno na 1.500 karaktera.
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