Šta su pisali hrvatski mediji o opozvanoj ambasadorki Srbije?
Ambasadorka Srbije u Hrvatskoj Jelena Milić koja je danas iznenada i bez objašnjenja opozvana, poslednjih meseci je incidentima punila novinske stupce u Hrvatskoj.
Komentari 2
Hrvatska, Slovenija i onda levo ili desno. Ponekad je put malo duži, ali nema veze.
Kada onaj njihov Oskar jednom ode sa vlasti, valjda će vremenom postati civilizovanije. Kao i ovde, uostalom.
Dear Hungarian Immigration:
The management of your southern borders with Serbia in the towns of Horgoš and Kelebija is an unacceptable and national disgrace for your country.
You should not blame the Serbians as this nonsense has been going on for over 20 years. There is never not even a 1/4 of the waiting time to go in the opposite direction from Hungary back into Serbia.
Does anybody there not have a brain in their head to at least make a separate express lane for people with children or invalids for example?
Sadistically Ieaving people to wait for over 7'hours just to cross the border? You should be ashamed of yourselves.
The amount of money you claim off people for the Vignette Freeway stickers on their cars should well and truly cover the expense of adding a few extra lanes at the border to cut down on the unnecessary and disgraceful crowds and congestion.
Horgoš should be regarded as a serious international border which connects Northern and Southern-Eastern Europe. Not a freak show where your sarcastic border guards probably crack jokes on how long they can make people wait for, before they lose their mind.
On top of that you even have the disgusting nerve and audacity to expect people to pay money just to use a nearby toilet and take a piss. Your toilet money should be able to pay for the extra staff needed to adequately contribute to your obligation to environmental and international law and service the border professionally.
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