VIDEO: Čuvari u rezervatu nose posebna odela kako bi se zbližili sa bebom zebre

Priroda ume da bude vrlo okrutna, a takav je i primer jednog ždrebeta zebre, čiju je mamu ubio čopor lavova. Reč je o malenom Diriji, koji se sada nalazi u rezervatu za životinje "Sheldrick Wildlife Trust".
Čuvari rezervata nedavno su podelili ovu priču preko svojih društvenih mreža i time zaokupili pažnju ljudi širom sveta.
Maleni Diria samo je igrom slučaja uspeo i sam da izbegne lavlje čeljusti. Kada su se lavovi okomili na njegovu majku, mališan se instinktivno sakrio među kozama koje su meštani izveli na ispašu. Oni su bili svedoci ovog prizora pa su se smilovali na Diriju i odveli ga lokalnim čuvarima nacionalnog parka, koji su ga, potom, prosledili "Sheldrick Wildlife Trustu".

Meet Diria! When he was just a few days old, this tiny zebra had a narrow escape from lions — and he has a herd of goats to thank for it. As February came to a close, a group of herdsmen here given a big fright when a zebra and her foal darted right past them with several lions in hot pursuit. They watched helplessly as the lions caught and killed the mother, at which point her foal turned on his hooves and instinctively sought shelter from the nearest available source — which happened to be their herd of goats! The herdsman welcomed the little survivor into their fold and gave him some fortifying goat milk before escorting him to the KWS rangers in the area. Given his vulnerable age, KWS brought the foal to our Voi Reintegration Unit, where they felt he would have the best chance at life. In a nod to the ranch where he was rescued, we have named this little chap Diria. He arrived in our care perfectly fluffy and so young that his stripes were still brown. (Zebras are known for their signature black and white stripes, but they come into this world brown and white!) Because foals imprint on their mother’s stripes, our Keepers don a special striped coat when they are with Diria. This allows him to bond with them as nature intended, without running the risk of him becoming overly attached to any single individual. Diria loves his Keepers and the feeling is most certainly mutual! When he’s not guzzling down bottles of milk, he enjoys pampering grooming sessions and following his Keepers around. We have successfully raised several orphaned zebra and reintegrated them back into the wild, and thanks to your support, we are proud to support this lucky little boy along the same journey. _________ Photos © David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust #SheldrickTrust #DSWT #Diria #zebra #kenya #whyilovekenya #conservation #tsavo #protect #africa #wildlife

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Ždrebe je od tada u brižnim rukama svojih požrtvovanih njegovatelja. Budući da imaju puno iskustva sa zebrama, odmah su shvatili da je stanje male zebre delikatno. Zebre se vežu sa svoje majke tako što upamte obrazac njihovih pruga kako ih ne bi pomešali s drugim pripadnicima krda. Čuvari su znali da će se, ako samo jedna osoba bude brinula o njemu, Diria vezati baš za tu osobu, što bi im napravilo poteškoće ako je taj neko odsutan.
Zbog toga su došli na ideju da ko god u datom trenutku provodi vreme s Dirijom nosi posebno odelo s prugama koje liči na zebrino krzno. Zahvaljujući tome, svi mogu podjednako da se staraju o ždrebetu kojem je, nakon mleka, omiljeno da se mazi s njima.

A little Diria to brighten your day! (And make sure you watch through to the end to see his best gallop.) Diria is a very brave little chap. After lions killed his mother and then set their sights on him, Diria survived by hiding in plain sight among a nearby herd of goats. Now, we’re raising him at our Voi Reintegration Unit, where we have successfully raised several orphaned zebra before him. You may be wondering why Diria’s Keeper is wearing such an eye-catching jacket. A zebra foal imprints on its mother by her unique striped pattern. So, our Keepers put on this special jacket when they work with Diria so he recognizes them as his carer, without becoming overly attached to any one individual. _________ Video © David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust #SheldrickTrust #DSWT #Diria #zebra #kenya #whyilovekenya #conservation #tsavo #protect #africa #wildlife

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  • Brus Vilis

    25.03.2020 22:40
    Divna piča. Ljudi su, na kraju krajeva, divni!

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